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Medical Malpractice Award

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$16.7 Verdict Delivered in Malpractice Lawsuit Over Cancer Misdiagnosis

The family of a woman who died from lung cancer has been awarded $16.7 in damages for a doctor’s medical malpractice resulting in a cancer misdiagnosis.

A Massachusetts jury has awarded $16.7 million in damages in a medical malpractice lawsuit filed by the family of a woman who died after her doctor failed to diagnose lung cancer. The complaint was brought against doctors at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, by the family of Jeanne Ellis, who died from lung cancer in August 2008, at the age of 47. If a loved one has suffered serious injuries or died as a result of a major hospital mistake or doctor’s error, contact a medical malpractice lawyer today to explore your possible compensation options. You may have grounds to file a complaint against the practicing doctor or hospital, in order to pursue financial compensation for your losses.

Doctor Accused of Medical Malpractice

According to allegations raised in the medical malpractice lawsuit, Ellis’ physician, Dr. Peter Clarke, committed malpractice when he failed to detect signs of lung cancer in a chest X-ray taken in October 2006, when Ellis visited the emergency room. Dr. Clarke determined that the X-ray was normal, and Ellis was subsequently diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection, prescribed antibiotics and sent home. About one year later, Ellis experienced worsened symptoms and, after undergoing a CT scan by another doctor, was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, which quickly spread to other parts of her body and resulted in her death.

Nodule Present in Original Chest X-Ray

Attorneys representing the Ellis family introduced during trial the X-ray that Dr. Clarke originally examined, which showed a 1.5-centimeter nodule in Ellis’ upper right lung. For their part, Dr. Clarke’s attorneys argued that a chest X-ray is not the most reliable way to detect lung cancer, and claimed that the doctor was not provided with enough medical history for Ellis, including the fact that she smoked for 30 years and that her mother also died of lung cancer. Following trial, the jury found that Dr. Clarke’s cancer misdiagnosis resulted in Ellis’ death, and awarded her daughter $11 million in damages plus interest, for a total of $16.7 million.

Contact a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Today

If you believe you have been the victim of medical malpractice resulting in serious injuries or illness, our consumer advocates at the Leading Justice can help. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of patients harmed by medical mistakes and hospital errors, and can help put you in touch with a knowledgeable attorney who has experience handling cancer misdiagnoses and medical malpractice claims.

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Andrew Sarski

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